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Blog posts

20 minutes of explanation on Foundation Training.

20 minutes of explanation on Foundation Training.

Nobody says it better then Eric Goodman and in this video he really gives us the very essence of what Foundation Training is all about. The audience this time is from Crown Council Dental Association, but the ideas are for everyone as really most of us can do quite a...



Breathe long, tall and wide.

That breathing is crucial is no discovery. Breathing fully, thoroughly, extensively, widely, broadly, through the chest, through the sides, through the back will make you discover a new depth of breath. Couple these breathing patterns together with Foundation Training exercises and you will discover a brand new you.



Just as hard as it is to find time to exercise throughout our busy lives, it is also hard to find time to blog. However, I was so delighted to get back some spontaneous feedback from my client that I had to write something and share my joy of being able to make people...

My story with Foundation Training.

My story with Foundation Training.

My story with FT started five years ago, when after years of playing volleyball on all levels my back took its toll of compression, pounding, jumping, twisting and hyperextensions. I’ve had back issues before, however it was not until I had to sleep with my legs up on a wall (yes, that is a strange mental picture) to survive the pain, that I realized I had to really find a different approach to fix my back issues…